Saturday, July 26, 2008

Nadalie is a mom!

This was the best Christmas present that Santa could have brought Nadalie ever. As most of you know she is in love with butterflies. So for Christmas she got the butterfly garden. All we had to do is send off for live caterpillars, they hatch, and then we can either let them go or keep them. Nadalie decided that she felt sorry for them being stuck in a cage so she let 4 go and kept one only cause his wings are damaged from his birth. Anyhow, it was the coolest thing ever.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Butterfly Festival

Of course we just had to go to the Butterfly festival. We did not get to see as many butterflies as Nadalie would have liked. :( But it was alot of fun! And of course we just could not miss it.

Family Game Night

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Third Place

Nadalie finished the swim team for this summer. She was so excited she finally got a ribbon. She did such a great job for her first year. She said that she wants to do it next year too. Thanks to Aunt Molly who really got the light on in Nadalie about swimming. I have found it very difficult to find things that she likes to get her involved in. Nadalie also took a basketball camp this summer and really liked it and said that she wants to play in the fall/winter. So that is our next idea. She also has signed up to play the Violin at school next year. She does have a musical talent for sure. Paul has taught Matthew and Nadalie to play a few tunes on the guitar. She has picked it up pretty quick.

Monday, July 21, 2008

New couch

We finally broke down and bought a new couch. Collin was the first one to check it out. He looks pretty happy!

July 4th

We spent July 4th with my step mom's family. I always look forward to this fun party every year. The kids had a lot of fun spending time with their cousins. As usual we went to see the fireworks and lit some sparklers.

Nite Nite

I am so excited! Collin has been a horrible sleeper from the start. I have been really working with him since he got his casts off. His naptimes are finally down. We have a ritual of turning on his fan, then his music and mobile, then I give him his glow worm that grandma Nina gave him and he smiles at me. No crying or fussing at all.

We are still working on his night time routine.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The plague (ok so not really but close to it)

There is nothing worse than being pregnant and being sick. This is my second cold this pregnancy and it just stinks! In fact, this cold went through our house like wildfire. Matthew was the only one who has not had it yet. The girls got over it in like one day. I guess there immune system is on over drive still from when they went to daycare. That is one good thing about daycare, kids get a great immune system from it. Collin and I, unfortunantly are not doing so well. But life still goes on right? The dishes, the laundry, cleaning, cooking, running the kids from one activity to another all need to be done. No rest for a sick mommy in this house :(

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More CBoy pics

Smiling for daddy

Giving mommy some luv

Monday, July 7, 2008

CBoy's Big Surprise

Take a look at the cute videos above. I sound like such a dork on both of them so keep the sound off if you want. Paul and I were looking at each other like "oh great! We are in for it now!"

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Collins 7 month old pictures

Collin got his pictures done finally since he has had his casts off. Collin would not smile for the woman who took them, only me and she would not let me try to get him to smile in front of the camera. That is why he is not looking at the camera but all over the place. She tried very hard to get him to smile. He loves his Mommy and Rachel (who was with me for these). He would only smile for us. Anyhow, I think that he looks very handsome!

Swim Team

Nadalie's first year of swim team is almost over. I asked if she wanted to do it again next year, and she said that she is not too sure. She said that it is alot of hard work. But I think she will change her mind by next year, she sure loves swimming ALOT! I think she has done great this year.