12 weeks
Paul and I found out that we are expecting again. I was a little worried at first on how I was going to handle having three little ones. But just like I told the kids we are pros now. :) I found out at four weeks along which I thought was going to make for a long pregnancy, but it has been flying super fast, probably due to chasing around the little guys and being busy with Nadalie and Rachel's activites. I have been really really sick with this baby compared to my other pregnancies. That has been harder on me. No rest for this mama. We are due June 26th. It is a week after my father's birthday. And usually I get induced a week before. I am not looking for a long exhausting labor like Ryan's nor the aches and pains of being pregnant. This is it for me. I never want to be pregnant again! I know it is early but I am feeling the baby move now. Little flutters. I am wondering if it is because this is baby number 5? Or maybe that it is because I know what I am feeling? The girls are VERY excited now, a bit shocked at first. But they sure love babies. I think Rachel is secretly hoping for a girl. It would be so much easier with another boy since I have clothes, although having a girl together would be nice. I am feeling pretty good now. Still a bit tired but I think that is going to be something that is going to stay through the entire pregnancy.