Friday, May 16, 2008

Why do names have to be so difficult?

We have been having a hard time deciding on girls names, although after tonight it is really not going to matter. But then I got to thinking about what names I was going to use with each of my children that I did not get to use. Nadalie was origionally going to be named Valerie, and I changed my mind at about 8 months with her. Rachel was going to be either Rachel, Jillian, or Lauren. And they both were going to be named Logan if they were a boy. Collin was going to be Samantha or we had Nathan and Ryan picked out for other boys names. This time we have Ryan for a boy and Nathan for a backup and we are just lost about girls names (Samantha is out). There are some we somewhat like but nothing really stands out for us. We have considered Christina and Kelly (two of my best friends), Tessa (my second cousins name), Jessica (just a safe cute name), and Gabrielle (we both really like but just does not go well with our last name).

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