Monday, September 8, 2008

38 weeks

I had my doctors appointment today and I am at 2 cm and 60% effaced. I guess all these horrible contractions that I am having are actually doing something after all. I am so scared this time around about labor. I do not think that there has been enough time that has gone by for me to forget what labor pain really felt like. The doctor tried stripping my membranes this morning. Not sure if it is going to work or not. The doctor does not feel that method really does work. But some doctors think that it does, and I know many people that have had that done and it ended up working. So we will see.

1 comment:

Peg said...

Steph - you've been through this just a few times before - you can certainly do it again! Just remember to keep moving to find a comfortable position and BREATHE! You'll be great! Can't wait to hear the news!