Ryan Anthony 18months old. He is getting to be such a big boy. He loves to play cars like big brother Collin. He also loves to use play phones and call grandma and grandpa on it. He has been saying alot more things like "I did it". He also enjoys yelling "all done" at Church everytime the music stops. I just love this little guy.
Picture at 28 weeks pregnant. I am now 31 weeks pregnant. Time has just been flying by. This baby should be on the way in about 6-9 weeks. I am so ready! I am at the point when everything is hurting and uncomfortable. And I have been having the worst contractions. We had another ultrasound last week and the baby is all in position to come into the world. In fact we were unable to she his or her face because he or she is facing my back, which is how the doctors want them at this point the ultrasound tech said. Good to hear. The baby has hair, I am assuming that is dark. Although I am still holding out for another blond hair blue eyed baby. And we got to see the baby's ears which were very cute. I am so excited to find out if our baby is going to be a boy or a girl.
Picture at 28 weeks pregnant. I am now 31 weeks pregnant. Time has just been flying by. This baby should be on the way in about 6-9 weeks. I am so ready! I am at the point when everything is hurting and uncomfortable. And I have been having the worst contractions. We had another ultrasound last week and the baby is all in position to come into the world. In fact we were unable to she his or her face because he or she is facing my back, which is how the doctors want them at this point the ultrasound tech said. Good to hear. The baby has hair, I am assuming that is dark. Although I am still holding out for another blond hair blue eyed baby. And we got to see the baby's ears which were very cute. I am so excited to find out if our baby is going to be a boy or a girl.
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